Labs   threaded view
Last edited by: Fran
Topic: In order to allow participants to have hands-on experience with the tools, we need to provide a number of computer terminals.These are organised into Labs of 12-16 terminals linked together by a Network.The number of labs depends on the number of different content tracks of the programme.The exact lab configuration should be defined by working with the facilitators before the workshop to ascertain requirements.There are 2 approaches to the hardware used for the terminals:
  1. Use low-end refurbished PCs & a single powerful server all running LTSP.
  2. Use low-power PCs & hence only need a low-power server.
The latter seems generally preferable as:
  • keeps Power consumption down
  • means less reliance on the Server/Network
  • reduces the impact of rain on exposed plug-boards.

If facilitators could agree cross-track when they needed access to PCs & when they were just doing theory, then it might be possible to reduce the number of computers required. This would help save Power. However it would be hard to co-ordinate, especially as the agenda can be flexible to respond to new needs.

Setting up the computer labs

  • Please plan sufficient time to set-up the labs. It always takes longer than you think!
  • The configuration of the labs should not be changed by participants. In some occasions participants bring interesting applications or have good suggestions on what software to add or how to reconfigure the computers. However, in order to ensure that the labs remain operational, these changes should only be done by the technical staff in charge of the labs