Smokeping   threaded view
Last edited by: Fran
Attachments: smokeping
Topic: (Part of the detailed Step-by-Step Installation Guide for setting up the Server)Allows us to monitor the quality of the ISP connection with historic graphs (much better than snapshots taken with manual pings & all can see the results from 1 set of pings)sudo apt-get install smokepingsudo mkdir /var/run/smokeping
sudo chown smokeping /var/run/smokeping
vi /etc/smokeping/config
owner = Admin
contact = admin@internet.address
cgiurl = http://smokeping/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi
mailhost = mail
to = admin@internet.address
from = smokealert@asiasource2
remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of AsiaSource II
menu = ISP
title = Localloop to ISP
host =
+ Google
menu = Google
title = Google
host = /etc/init.d/smokeping restartConfigure Apache to allow a shortcut:cd /etc/apache2/sites-availablesudo vi smokeping
(Paste in contents of attached file)
cd /sites-enabled
sudo ln -s /sites-available/smokeping
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restartContinue with the rest of the detailed Step-by-Step Installation Guide