Acknowledgements   threaded view
Last edited by: Marek
Topic: First of all, we need to honour people and organisations who helped us with, and attended, the first event, Summer Source, in Croatia in 2003. And also way before that, in convincing us that we could even attempt to do such an event.

We would especially like to thank Gunner (also known as Allen Gunn from Aspiration) for not only being part of the team that shaped the first camp ever and sharing his unbelievable teaching experiences but, mostly, for his strong belief in the camp (not conference) format. His role as our main facilitator, spiritus movens, and Master of Ceremonies at almost all of the camps, meant that the day to day community building and camp vibe was an enormous success. We have always loved having you as part of the Tactical Tech family.

Thanks to MAMA from Croatia, our first partner and co-organiser of Summer Source on an island Vis, where we were able to get our first grind in organising source events, it was sometimes tough, but what we have learned then is still paying off. Hvala!

We were hoping to be able to mention everybody who in one or another way helped us with all the work. But it is just not possible. The people who should be mentioned at the beginning of this list are all the PARTICIPANTS. Their names are available on all the events pages or wikis (we are not listing them here as that would be more then 500 names in a column). Our participants' contributions to these events were simply invaluable. We can safely say that the individuals that did show up to the events each uniquely contributed to the camps being as memorable and successful as they were. Thanks to every one of you!

There are other special people, our facilitators, some of them like Heather Ford, Tomas Krag, Kwindla Hultman Kramer and Dirk Slater who have been to many of the camps and can be credited for putting the participants learning needs first and their own needs last. But we really have to thank all the other facilitators. They contributed to the curriculum that was incredibly creative and also to the overall incredible camp vibe. It does not matter if you were only at one of the camps or more. We will never forget people like:
Mavzuna Abdurahmonova, And, Ronit Avni, Hillar Addo, Micah Anderson, Jacob Appelbaum, Dwayne Bailey, Henri Bergius, Greg Bernstein, Fatima M Bhyat, Neil Blakey-Milner, Colin Charles, Cheekay Cinco, Nico Coetzee, Candida Coronato, Muroro Dziruni, Schuyler Erle, Alaa Abd El Fattah, Karl Fischer, Fran, Ali Gharavi, Jason M. Githeko, Robert Guerra, Rahmatjon Hakimov, Manal Bahy El Din Mohamed Hassan, Evan Henshaw-Plath, Mako Hill, Douglas Hunter, Jaromil, Nicholas Kimolo, Rolf Kleef, Marc Levine, Lawrence Liang, Yuwei Lin, Wire Lunghabo James, Charles Majola, Marcel Mars, Thobile Pamela Mhlo, Bako Mihaly, Gladys Muhunyo, Dorcas Muthoni, Evelyn Namara, Lucas Auka Oketch, Ochuko Onoberhie, Jeff Ooi, Eric Osiakwan, Alastair Otter, Niels Peren, Vladimir Petkov, Olivia Avelina Phiri, Natasha Primo, Mohammed Sameer, Farzaneh Sarafraz, Elnaz Sarbar, Goodwill Skhosana, Guido Sohne, Kevin Smith, Javier Sol�, Rudi von Staden, Allan Stanley, Mark Summer, Hilton Theunissen, Kim Tucker, David Turner, Pi Villanueva, Bukeni Tete Waruzi, Simos Xenitellis, Enrico Zini, Ethan Zuckerman and Michal Mach (The man behind Ngo in a box production) and many many many others

Two other people gave a lot to the camps, taking care of their very complicated logistics and making sure that everything worked smoothly. They are Wojtek Bogusz (Summer Source, Africa Source I) and Hinde ten Berge (Asia Source, Africa Source 2) - they have no fear in their hearts.

Money is always important, our books would not be readable at all if not for great help from Jan Griffiths.

Again very special thanks for bringing the spirit of FLOSS'ophy to the source vibe for Patrice Riemens and Arun Mehta. Super special thanks to Patrice for his tea saloon, an incredible incubator of strange ideas!
Nobody ever have written more about source camps then Frederick Noronha, he is behind tens of interviews, blog posts and chats. You should really read his stuff!Also the local co-organisers, one more time Marcell, Theo, Tommy (MAMA), Joris Komen, Skye (Schoolnet Namibia), Kwindla (All Africa), Sunil Abraham, Poornima N. Ramakrishna, Sreekanth Rameshiah, Allan Stanley (Mahiti), Asomiddin Atoev, Nigina Ahmedkhanova, Muhammadi Ibodulloev, Talat Numanov (CIPI), Dorothy Okello, Milton Aineruhanga, Daphne Kakonge and their team (WOUGNET) and Wire with his crew (Linux Solutions) - you have done amazing jobs in pulling those events together with us and we have learned so much from you!

We also owe gratitude to those who supported us financially, first of all to the Open Society Institute Information Program who supported all of the camps, others who believed in us were: APC, Creative Commons SA, Hivos, IDRC - The International Development Research Centre, IICD, International Open Source Network, InWEnt, the Last Mile Project USAID, Omydiar Foundation, Open Society Institute Tajikistan, Open Society Initiative Southern Africa (OSISA) Open Society Initiative West Africa (OSIWA), O'Reilly, Schoolnet Namibia, Shuttleworth Foundation and USAID.

In particular we would like to thank those individuals who not only helped us with fund rasing but also greatly advised our work: first of all Janet Haven, apart from doint that, she also participated in almost all of the camps, then Ben Akoh, Ra'ida Al-Zu'bi, Anriette Esterhuysen, John Dada, Tobias Eigen, Jacques Guidon, Zuhra Halimova, Saskia Harmsen, Shafika Isaacs, Daniel Kakinda, San Ng, Kamol Obidov, Ashraf Patel, Onno Purbo, Prof. Dr. Victor van Reijswoud, Balthas Seibold, Lane Smith, Mark Surman, Fatimata Sylla Seye, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Adel el Zaim and many others!

All the design such as logos, banners and other SWAG were mostly designed by Float Left - our friends from Amsterdam (Auke, Courtney and Marieke)

As you know from all the tips we were trying to share with you on this wiki, there cannot be a good camp without a nice venue, excellent food, special programme (we have to mention here C.F. John, the artist from Vishtar, Bangalore), and all those people who were responsible for transportation (here we must mention Ronnie from Uganda - unforgetable driver!), for all of you anonymous heroes of source camps - thank you!
You might like to know that this site runs on a wiki called Gadgets, our thanks for their help should go to Brian Szymanski and Douglas Hunter. Brian thanks for all the late night interventions!Last but not least - Philipp Schmidt - who is not only a big enthusiast of the camp philosophy but he also is the one who pressed us to put this guide together and is responsible for its final shape and content - Philipp chapeau bas!

Finally - our families and kids - thanks for your support and enormous patience!

Thank you all!

on behalf of Tactical Technology Collective

Stephanie and Marek