Final Report   threaded view
Last edited by: phi
Topic: A final report is submitted to funders as part of the Graceful Shut Down process.Funders usually like to receive these final reports within 30 days after the event, but that is often unrealistic. Especially the financial report can take longer as it usually takes at least 2 months for all reimbursements to take place and any unexpected costs to occur. Travel reimbursement in particular can take a long time.
The final report package comprises a number of documents, namely a narrative final report and a final financial report, and a number of other items.

Narrative final report

  • Main report sections:
    • Executive summary
    • Introduction
    • Description of the preparation phase and the venue
    • Description of participants
    • Detailed description of the agneda, major tracks and related activities
    • Description of facilitators
    • Description of the documentation
    • Descrption of the NGO-in-a-box
    • Description of the camp successes and outcomes
    • Outcomes for all the organisers
    • Lessons learned
    • Recommendations if any
  • List of participants (with bios) and guests
  • List (with descriptions) of all organisations that participated in the event
  • List (with descriptions) of all funders
Additional information:
  • Much of the content for the final report can be taken from the Concept Paper.

Financial report

Final financial reports vary depending on funder guidelines and the characteristics of the event, but they usually contain the following:
  • Descriptions of all expenses and explanations of any differences from the original budget.
  • A short narrative explanation of the Camp's funding.
  • A one-paragraph-text overview, including the amounts of the original budget, occured costs and final revenue, plus the final balance.
  • An overview of all income and costs per budget line (in a spreadsheet).
  • A reference to the detailed budget, in which all payments are seperately included (in a spreadsheet).
  • An explanation on occured costs which differ more than 15% from the original budget.
  • If needed, a statement from the auditor.
Before the financial report can be prepared and submitted, all the books need to be closed. This means that:
  • All expenses have been paid.
  • All receipts have been collected and filed.
  • There are no more financial transactions related to the event.
Additional resources:
  • Budgets and Budgeting provides some background on how to work with the budget and links to budget spreadsheet templates

Additional documents and 'goodies'