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Seems that we are ready to go public. This is perhaps my last blog post written in full privacy ;-) It was a great experience writing these materials on a wiki, especially using the very spiffy Gadgets wiki. Unfortunately there are some things that are not so great about wikis - for example that they make it easy for spammers and spambots to add a lot of unwanted content (or delete the content we spent so much time writing). Because we would like to avoid hiring someone to keep all the pages clean we have decided that to be a full contributor to the site you have to register. Anonymous contributors can still participate, but have less choices. Anonymous contributors can comment on this blog, add comments to the Ex-Campers page, and of course, feel free to add more work for us to the To Do, which is the best place for you to comment on content or structure of the wiki.If you would like to contribute to this wiki in other ways please contact us at ttc (at) tacticaltech (dot) org, we will be happy to give you more access!