Source Camps Replication Materials   threaded view
Last edited by: Marek
This wiki is an online resource for anyone interested in the organisation of free/open source software training workshops aligned with the Source Camp methodology that was developed by Tactical Technology Collective. If you are not familiar with the Source Camp concept read the short introduction below and check out the Source Camp Background page. This wiki is part of our committment to share what we have learned over the past years, and help others build on it. Have a look at the Collaborate With Us page to see how we could work with you.

Source Camps

Take a mix of over a hundred non-profit workers and hi-quality techies, add a dash of a holiday and tonnes of hard work. Keep them on an island or isolated from the city for a week. What you get is a Source Camp, Tactical Tech-style. Its goal? To form lasting partnerships and bridges that deepen the application of critical Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the non-profit and development sectors in the parts of the planet that need it more. And the recipe works. The unique approach to learning bakes up new ideas and seeds new projects. In keeping with the spirit of the technology, this wiki serves to "open source" our work processes for these camps, and highlight their key ingredients.
"Woodstock in a server room. And like that electrifying event in the summer of 1969, the Summer Source Camp for NGOs 2003 may very well be remembered as a turning point, a spark that successfully ignited the imaginations of both the unconventional, high-IQ open-source software developers and their activist implementer counterparts.... the Tactical Tech collective deserve kudos for taking thorny and politically charged agendas and artfully weaving them into a collective learning experience for all." Jeffrey Starin on Summer Source
See what others have to say about Source Camps. This list of Quotes and Opinions is a great way to start learning about what makes these workshops special.As part of Tactical Tech's efforts to expand the reach of Source Camps, this wiki shares the experiences gained through major regional events in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. It's our first step in mentoring groups in developing countries wishing to implement Source Camps of their own.

Why replication?

As demand for events in different regions and at the national level grows, it isn't possible or appropriate for Tactical Tech to continue leading each Source Camp. Some reasons for this include language barriers, internal capacity and cost. But most importantly, local implementation just makes more sense. Organisations based in the developing countries where the events are held are far better equipped to understand and meet local needs than an European organisation.
"I like personal references to people like Gunner [one of the key facilitators] - this brings out the ambiance of source events - I am determined to do a Namibian source event at Moewe Bay in the wilderness based on these guidelines - no malaria or bilharzia here though!" Jorisk Komen (Schoolnet Namibia)

Replication Guidelines

This wiki is an online resource for anyone interested in the organisation of FOSS training workshops aligned with the Source Camp methodology. Given that every Source Camp is unique, it is quite impossible to develop a one-guide-fits-all for Source Camps. So this wiki is not prescriptive, but provides information and resources for adaptation to particular events.Source Events are one of the really important achievements of Tactical Technology Collective. The materials on this wiki are part of our committment to sharing what we have learned about planning and implementing these events. You are free to use the materials on this wiki to plan and implement events that use a similar approach to learning and teaching. The whole wiki is available under a creative commons license, see the Wiki License page for more details. All we ask in return is that you credit us if you use the materials - and it would be great if you could also send feedback or comments on how to improve them.In addition, Tactical Technology Collective is committed to helping others run successful Source-style events. If you are considering to organise a workshop, then please get in touch with us. We can provide access to our networks of facilitators, extensive expertise and experience, operational, marketing, and fundraising support, and the technical infrastructure that is used by the Source event family. More info on how we work with local partner organisations and our contact information can be found on the Collaborate With Us page.

Structure of the Wiki

The replication materials are broadly organised in three sections.(1) Source Camp Background / Introduction
The first section provides a big-picture background to Source Camps, and describes the objectives and philosophical approach to learning and community building. It outlines some of the opportunities and challenges facing organisations wishing to replicate Source Camps.

(2) How-To Section / Organising and hosting a Source Camp
The next section gets into the nitty-gritty about how to hold a Source Camp. It provides practical advice to facilitators and camp organisers about how to cultivate the special Source Camp culture; implement the philosophical approach to teaching and learning; and tackle some of the problems likely to arise when replicating Source Camps. It also features some templates that will help organisations to host their own Source Camp. (3) The Work Plan is a detailed chronological overview of the crucial steps for planning and organising a Source Event. It links to template files for many of the tasks. The Work Plan is brief and concise, and assumes that readers are already familiar with the background to Source Events that is provided in the first two sections. So read those first!